- American Society
- Andres
- Bad Things
- Baggage
- Bite The Wax Tadpole
- Bitter Wine
- Broomstick
- Can I Run
- Cat O Nine Tails
- Cool Out
- Crackpot Baby
- Deathwish
- Diet Pill
- Drama
- Everglade
- Fast And Frightening
- Freak Magnet
- Freeway
- Freezer Burn
- Fuel My Fire
- Human
- I Drink
- I Need
- Just Like Me
- Lackey
- Little One
- Long Green
- Lorenza, Giada, Alessandra
- Mantra Down
- Me, Myself, And I
- Metal Stampede
- Monster
- Moonshine
- Mr. Integrity
- Ms. 45
- Must Have More
- Non-existent Patricia
- Off The Wagon
- On My Rockin' Machine
- One More Thing
- One More Thing (en español)
- Pretend we're dead
- Pretend we're dead (en español)
- Questioning My Sanity
- Riding With A Movie Star
- Scrap
- She Has Eyes
- Shirley
- Shitlist
- Shove