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Irán Castillo

Si yo fuera tu chica (en Inglés)

Blond like the june sun is it
The freckles get to pile up into your nose
While the weeping in your eyes
Wet your mouth
Because you are not happy

Whidt like the moon is it
So whidt you are from the heart so is it always
But it’s not Sufficient
If she don’t feels
The same love you feel to her

And while it’s me
At my house room I am enclosed
I don’t get out you from my mind
You are my friend trustworthy

If I could be your girlfriend
If ever you could be my boyfriend
I always could to love you
If I could be your girlfriend
Instead of the girl is with you
You couldn’t to repent
Oh my dear

If I could be yours instead of her
I could to take care with you as your guardian angel
I always could understand you
I could follow you
Even to the bottom sea

And while it’s me
At my house room I am enclosed
I don’t get out you from my mind
You are my friend trustworthy

If I could be your girlfriend
If ever you could be my boyfriend
I always could to love you
If I could be your girlfriend
Instead of the girl is with you
You couldn’t to repent
Oh my dear (x2)

Letra de Si yo fuera tu chica (en Inglés) de Irán Castillo

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