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La Beriso

Donde Terminare (en ingles)

Where this train carries me
Tonight I will finish where
Best rolles rock'n saw on your skin

Do not wait this time
For days like crazy
I like both the night, gives me pleasure

And so my life is today
And I can not but my heart
I want to be part of your song
And to be able to return your rock'n roll

I come wounded yesterday
I hope you know understand my love
I like both the night and the poison of your skin

And so my life is today
And I can not but my heart
I want to be part of your song
And to be able to return your rock'n roll

And so my life is today
And I can not but my heart
I want to be part of your song
And to be able to return your rock'n roll

Letra de Donde Terminare (en ingles) de La Beriso

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